Powerfully Prophetic Dream

A couple of nights ago Damon had a really powerful dream, I’d go so far as to say it was probably prophetic.  

Damon’s Buddhist and I am a Witch.  We plod along merrily on our own spiritual paths and are curious and supportive of the inner work everyone on this earth likely has to do. We think that there’s so much we do not know or understand about even our own minds.  We also acknowledge, understand, and respect that everything and everyone is very much connected.  What we do matters.  The way we behave and the choices we make can have positive or negative impacts so it is always best to behave in a way that you can feel proud of, even, if not especially when nobody can see.  I was raised as an angry red-neck Lutheran, so I am painfully familiar with the bible. Dreams and visions play a huge and important role throughout the bible.  

Pilate’s wife dreamed quite clearly that Jesus was an innocent, good and powerful man.  She foresaw Pontius Pilate would be left with blood on his hands for killing an innocent man – and sure enough – he threw that beautiful bohemian prophet under the bus.  Pilate was by many reliable accounts a very good man.  Fair, smart, reasonable, and a charismatic leader.  Today, billions of Christians around the globe remember this act in the Apostles Creed every church service:

“Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried, the third day he arose from the dead in accordance with the scriptures and will come again to judge…” OH MY!  That stuff is tattooed on my memory.  I have no beef with Pilate or his wife.  And Jesus was clearly incomprehensibly lovely.  I wish we’d all listen more closely to his teachings.  I also wish people would definitely stop twisting his tolerant and inclusive teachings as an excuse to be actually horrible to people they don’t understand.  Seriously.  What the actual fuck is up with that dangerous nonsense.

I digress.  As I so often do…

Okay, back to Damon’s dream.

It started in a backwoods angry tiny American town.  People were unkind to each other and there was that scary kind of religious/small town vibe like in movies such as footloose or deliverance.  He felt completely bereft and out of place and happened across a child and helped this child to wash his face and the human decency of that act left the kid in his dream feeling empowered and grateful.

Scene change. 

Next he was with me and we were in a room full of women and across the hall was a room full of man-splaining rah-rah-rah-boring-dick-swinging-rhetoric-using-men who were palpably dripping with entitlement and misogyny.  And one of the goddesses in our bright and powerful room walked across the hall and left explosive powder in the middle of the room full of dipshits.  The device erupted without hurting anyone but some of the dipshits sorta got shook out of their trance they were in and walked bravely and with purpose across the hall and into the room of kind, curious, empowered women.

He woke and told me about the dreams and recalled the deep and uplifting feeling of calm and empowerment as men in the dumb room were almost set free or lifted out of a zombie state of nasty dipshittery.  The men who moved rooms were lighter and they and those who witnessed them had a sense that they’d been set free from a nasty and destructive trance.

Just a really fabulous dream.

So.  Here’s my witchy and psychological take on that whole situation.

Damon has always been an ally.  His leadership style is one of empowerment and curiosity.  He’s pretty good at spotting greatness in people and building them up to shine brighter than they thought they could.  He’s happy to step out of any spotlight to let someone else sparkle.  

I’ve observed on countless occasions now, that insecure, ignorant and cowardly people who lack creativity and vision really don’t like that.  

The people that hate us tend to trade on manipulation and archaic power dynamics.  They are likely to take credit for other people’s efforts and successes, and never accept responsibility when they clearly and irrefutably fuck up.  And in many cases they do that for a long time and leave mess of collateral damage in their self-interested wake.  Creative and innovative people have long since abandoned such clusterfuckery.  Brave, beautiful and charismatic people do the work to be reflective and effective and do not actively seek to be surrounded yes people.  They actively get uncomfortable and work through tough stuff because the view is absolutely epic from the other side of that discomfort. It is kinda awesome.  

Damon’s sister Ali (who is fierce and fabulous and definitely in the real and metaphorical room with smart strong women) once said:  We have to do the work and go to therapy for all those who refuse to take a look at themselves.

Snap.  Ain’t dat da damned truth.

I’ve said this in so many ways and on say many different occasions, but the patriarchy and status quo of isms (racism, sexism, fascism) will topple as bullies, sociopaths and entitled boys club tactics are just not yielding the results they once did.  Divisiveness and destruction absolutely, resilient or useful results, nope, no, fucking clearly not.  

Being a curious and creative character is a much better plan.  Not always easy, but definitely better.  By creating general and genuine joy that comes from having a path of purpose and authenticity you will notice yourself being super annoying to greedy, short-sighted, inane and cruel dinosaurs.  I relish pissing them off, and we laugh and laugh at their dipshittery and deflection as our existence seems to just get better and better the farther away from them we are able to place ourselves.

So that is how I am framing his dream.  We are on the right track.  There’s faces to be wiped clean and so many truly incredible people acting with grace, curiosity, hope and humility.  I know that keeping a low profile and getting our own shit in order has been an important and necessary stage in our narrative.  But we also know that there are a lot of really unjust, and terrifying problems that will require bravery, action and a mobilised and empowered community to face head on.

I am not in any mood to start a revolution or revert to my days of having zero boundaries and no capacity for self-preservation.  My messiah complex is not set to return as I adore the safety and comfort of my meaningful little life.  

I do, however, feel that we, along with many incredibly brave and beautiful individuals, are already immersed in a quiet revolution.  

This is a revolution of vision, sensitivity, sensibility, connection and curiosity.  Acknowledging the need to return life, vitality and biodiversity to our soils, clean up our waters, and feed hope, connection and kindness is clear.  People are aware and they are behaving in ways that embrace this.  From zero-waste to carbon divestment and the serious wave of regenerative agriculture communities, movements and practices, good things are thriving globally.  We also have acknowledged the need to starve greed, short-sightedness and sociopathic consumptive cycles.  Change is coming, and we have to prepare.  We can lead and manage that change or there will be a catastrophic shift and reboot and even bigger and more disruptive changes will be thrust upon us.

At any rate.  We gotta be brave and clever not cowardly and cruel.

Damon’s dream felt like a sign and a reminder that we have work to do, but we are not alone as we aim to get some good shit happening. 

That’s all for today.

Thanks for reading.

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